Archive for cancer

The End of Cancer?

Posted in Random with tags on April 14, 2008 by Brian

Last night I was watching I Am Legend with a few of my friends.  At the beginning of the movie when Alice Kripon is being interviewed about how she cured cancer one of them said “You guys we are going to hear that some day.”  We all gave the standard yea hopefully response.

This morning I woke up having completely forgot the exchange until I read this article on  Apparently a retired businessman and radio technician named John Kanzius has found a 100% percent effective way to kill cancer cells tagged with nanoparticles using radio waves.  Basically a cell is tagged with an incredibly tiny piece of gold or carbon and the radio waves heat it up and it literally cooks the cancer cell.  The best part is that, unlike chemotherapy and radiation treatments, there are no side effects and only the tagged cells die.

The treatment is approximately three years from human trials and they still need to figure out an effective way to tag the cancerous cells, but this could be the beginning of the end of cancer.  There was a 60 Minutes interview with Kanzius yesterday if you want more info.

This is an exciting development in cancer research, but I think I am going to invest in guns, canned food, and steel blast doors for my windows and doors just in case.